Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Airbus almost Hit UFO over Glasgow UK

Posted by Anonymous | File under :
Airbus a320

An Airbus carrying 180 passengers almost hitting an unidentified flying object within a distance of only 300 feet (90 meters) above Glasgow UK, according to official investigators.

The unidentified flying object described by the flight crew, colored "blue, yellow and silver" - right in front of the Airbus A320 line.

Then swiftly, pilots still have time to react and managed to bring the plane to avoid the collision.

The alarming incidence is about 13 miles (20 km) when the Airbus A320 was approaching the city of Glasgow.

Both the pilot reported seeing objects at a distance of only 300 feet (90 meters) just before the end as the plane approached to land at Glasgow International Airport, northern England.

Glasgow International Airport

They immediately informed the pilot to air traffic control tower (ATC): "Not sure what it is, but it's certainly big enough and blue and yellow."

The following transcript of a conversation between the pilot and the control tower Airbus A320 or ATC Control Tower.

A320: "Glasgow Approach [A320 C/S]"

Air Traffic Control: "[A320 C/S] pass your message"

A320: "Er yeah we just had something pass underneath us quite close and nothing on TCAS have you got anything on in our area"

Control: "Er negative er we've got nothing on er radar and we're n-not talking to any traffic either"

A320: "Er not quite sure what it was but it definitely er quite large and it's blue and yellow"

Control: "OK that's understood er do you have a an estimate for the height"

A320: "Maybe er yeah we were probably about erm four hundred to five hundred feet above it so it's probably about three and a half thousand feet.

"…we seemed to only miss it by a couple of hundred feet it went directly beneath us … wherever we were when we called it in it was within about ten seconds

"… couldn't tell what direction it was going but it went right underneath us""

Control: "do you suspect it might have been a glider or something like that"

A320: "well maybe a microlight … it just looked too big for a balloon."

Then the pilot filed a report immediately after landed in Glasgow and says the risk of a collision is very high.

Investigators have ruled out the possibility of the presence of other aircraft or weather balloons, that's what adds to the mystery of this was not revealed.

The incident is recorded in an official report by the Council airprox England (UK airprox Board), which investigated the near collision or near-misses this.

Meanwhile, air traffic control (ATC) Glasgow said that they had seen the footage in the area at the time of the incident.

And control center in Prestwick, radar recordings and was indeed seen again been detected "traces of unidentified" with a distance of 1.3 nautical miles (2 kilometers) east of the A320 aircraft position, 28 seconds earlier.

But strangely, a collision avoidance detection system on the aircraft or the traffic collision avoidance system, did not detect anything.!

Overnight, the UK airprox has confirmed that the pilot had reported about the object at an altitude 3500 feet (1 km) in the Baillieston - 13 miles (20 km) east of Glasgow Airport.

They said it could not say the airline name because "the regulatory reporting strong ethical culture of the incident".

The plane swooped down in weather conditions that are clean and clear with the sun behind him, when the two pilots and a group of officers on the ground also saw "an object" rather camouflaged 'of approximately 100 meters, "the report said.

He added, "object passed and the plane dived straight down before the crew did not have time to take evasive action, it has actually registered on the report.

"They both agreed that the object appears in blue and yellow (or silver) with a smaller front but it was 'larger than balloon'.

Side of the tower controller stated that he did not talk about it or tell it to others in the area, because the object was not visible on radar.

A further research and more detailed than other sources do not generate individual radar radar data to ensure that it matches the description all A320 pilots of aircraft meeting contact with foreign objects.

The parties ATC or Air Traffic Control unit also belongs to the individual's record and repeat imprint radar and did not show any trace of something around the Airbus A320 at the time.

While on land, instead of A320 pilots have given more explanation to Glasgow aerodrome controller. Pilot said: "We have seen the object and is only a few hundred meters and the object was immediately shot below us.

"However we have stated, that we still have time for about 10 seconds. But do not know which way the object was gone but the object was shot right below us, "explained the pilot to researchers.

When asked if it was possible that he saw it was a glider (a small parachute), pilot replied: "Well, maybe microlight (light aircraft) - but it looks too big for a balloon."

But the researchers also confused that type of aircraft without wings or helicopter as it was not possible - like a weather balloon or glider, because it is not possible aircraft types operating in the area. A hang-glider, para-motoric, para-gliders or para-scender also ruled out.

From the report also said: "The Board investigators were unable to reach a conclusion to determine the type of object that nearly hit the plane and hence board investigators feel that the board does not have sufficient information to determine the cause or risk it."

Aviation expert David Learmount said: "Sometimes the aircraft may be too close to each other and we do not know how often it can happen and under what circumstances, we can not reduce the risk of it to happen again in the future."

Ron Halliday, UFO researcher and author and chairman of Mystery Earth Scotland (Scottish Earth Mysteries), said: "These events are interesting and very challenging."

"But here we have two people dedicated professional pilots because they want to report that they saw a UFO in the daytime with a close range as it was" clear that fenomenaUFO researchers.


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