Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mystery of Udumbara Flower

Posted by Anonymous | File under :
1. Udumbara Flower

Udumbara or Udumbara flower is a legendary flower that only blooms once every three thousand years. The legendary flower included in the category of living things that is eternal, because this flower is believed have lived for millions of years, and its existence has been written in the book of Buddha in the 3rd century. In Buddhist literature, Udumbara tree or Udumbara fruit may carry connotations of scarcity, parasitism or Vedic mysticism.

Udumbara flowers sometimes grow on the Buddhist statues, and its size is very small so it is not easily known it existence in a glance, but the flowers will be readily apparent if it were blooming.

Udumbara flower was first seen recently in South Korea in 1997. The flowers were later found in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Northern California, New York, and Texas.


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